
If I have come to learn anything over the last little bit.. it is to never ever lose sight of who you are.

I know that seems like a simple thing to say. We are who we are after all. But, little by little.. that can get clouded, and become a little bit less and less. For whatever the reason, and it doesn’t always have to mean something is crucially wrong with the big picture.. but, sometimes it does. I think for the most part, we don’t even know it is happening until we wake up one day and go.. “what the hell?” ha ha!  If we are lucky, or so I like to think.. we can take that as a wake up call and take the initiative to get back to who we are at our core.

Digging deep and moving forward.. embracing the littlest of things, and working my way through to where I want to be. It is my life after all, time to live it.

So yeah, that is kind of me right now. For awhile I have felt like there are two versions of me. The me that is present in the day to day.. and the me that has all these dreams and hopes for both the simplest of things and the biggest of things.. and you guys, that version of me has been screaming to get out. I’m not talking completely different person here, I will always be me. Just.. I am no longer afraid to embrace life the way I want to live it.

Simplify.  Create more.  Just live that creatively driven life that I ache for.  I know I know.. I am photographer, that is plenty creative right? But I mean more.. I mean deeper, I mean right down to every day living. Both for me and the kids.  In everything. Does that even make sense?

Why am I rambling on and probably sharing too much to the whole wide internet world?  Well.. cause that is part of it all.  Less filtering on here, in life and in my work. Just be honest. Live authentic… and just freaking BE! ha ha!

Who’s with me? xoxo